
You can easily make an appointment by either calling us at (813) 855-2424 or scheduling it online. Please fill out the new patient form(s) below so that they can be completed in the comfort of your own home. The PDF files can also be easily printed to fill in your information. These documents are available at our front desk.

father and son performing lower back pain exercises at chiropractor
new westchase chiropractic patient paperwork

Patient Forms

Pediatric Patient Forms

Your First Visit

The doctor will meet with you one-on-one to consult and perform a thorough examination and x-ray (if needed). Our goal is to find the cause of the problem. We will also discuss your wellness goals on this visit. If the doctor determines that you have a structural misalignment obstructing nerve flow, you may receive an adjustment to help begin your healing process.

dr. michael sosa giving westchase doctor's report

Report of Findings

This visit is the most important. The patients who see the best results are the ones who understand our process. During the report, our doctors explain our office processes such as the benefits of home care exercises and the importance of using x-rays. The knowledge you receive during this visit will aid you in becoming the master of your own health!